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PEAK Sales 203-379-8330 | Trumbull and Farmington, CT

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Donna Bak

Physicians need to be able to differentiate themselves from their competitors and have a clear defined value proposition that goes beyond the offering of great health care.

Last year, Salesforce conducted a study that uncovered that 57% of sales reps expected to miss their quotas. As you enter a new year, you will want to be aware of the following ways sales professionals (unknowingly) sabotage their own opportunities…and what to do about them.

If we want to achieve successful results with patients, we must always be conscious of how to adjust our behavior to meet the unique preferences of the other persons. This is critical in providing excellent patient care and customer service.

Maybe you’ve been in this situation before.

You have a sinking feeling that you will eventually lose the sale, or the client, or a high profile project unless you defuse a bomb…unless you bring up a potential problem before going any further.

Millennials, those individuals born between 1980 and 2000, are a unique and important part of the workforce, but it’s easy for earlier generations to clash with later generations without each understanding a little bit about the other. As Millennials enter the workforce, it becomes our job to understand them as a whole in order to create a more cohesive team of professionals and to make sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

We spend a lot of time coaching sales professionals and management teams on lead generation and client acquisition. Building the pipeline, getting appointments, getting past gatekeepers.  An area where companies need to direct their focus toward is managing and delivering to their current prospect and customer accounts. We use the KARE strategy.

Imagine if you walked into your office tomorrow morning and it was completely revamped, your assistant is on a permanent vacation, you have a new computer – all your old files are missing AND there isn’t a coffee machine to be found. The boss decided it was time for a change.


It’s a generally accepted notion that acquiring a new customer is more expensive than retaining an existing customer. Add to that fact a sluggish economy where businesses are scrutinizing budgets and considering alternative suppliers, and it’s easy to understand why it’s important to have a customer retention strategy in place.  So, let’s look at five follow-up strategies you can implement to cultivate a closer relationship with your customers. 

There are three tools that are particularly effective and easy to use in making people feel good about themselves: stroke, struggle, and validate. You can use one, two, or all three of these tools in interactions with patients—it depends on the situation.

Healthcare professionals want to enjoy their work but it seems that there are more and more obstacles getting in their way. Mayo Clinic Proceedings reported the findings from a 3-year study that the work-life balance of physicians in the U.S. is continuing to deteriorate leading to professional burnout.